Holiday Collection
Holiday Collection
Get your orders in for the holidays! Whether you're hosting or looking for the perfect gift for the cheese lover in your life, we've got you covered with our holiday gift box.
Take advantage of our limited edition holiday gift collection for $65 (valued at $80). Our holiday collection includes the following: one O'Banon, one Piper's Pyramide, one Fromage a Trois, one pack of 34 Degrees original cracker crisps, and a mini Quince & Apple conserve)
Ordering and Shipping Policy:
Please allow up to 10 days for your order to be processed. Depending on location, product may need to be shipped on a Monday or Tuesday to ensure it gets delivered in the same week. Refrigerate cheese immediately upon arrival. 2-tier flat-rate shipping to all domestic orders; we are unable to ship internationally at this time. Packaging may vary.